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UXUI Art by Peter Pillsbury

Design Process as an Art Form. User Experience, User Interface and Front End as one to become “UXUI Art”. Each painting may contain several components and attributes that fall under the UX, UI & FE category and consist of items like an Empathy Map for UX, a Progress Bar for UI and Code for FE. 

UX/UI Art - UXUI City Paint
Original UX/UI Art - UXUI City Paint
UX/UI Art - UX Art Paint
Original UX/UI Art - UX Art Paint

UXUI Collections

Here you will find many iterations and perspectives. Current categories are UXUI City, UXUI Village, UXUI Vehicles and Users of the Sea. As far as NFT attributes? These are also being updated and can be found on OpenSea. Because each art piece has a multitude of attributes or even UI patterns and component libraries they are hard to identify and may require you to zoom in.  

Peter’s early creative inspiration just kept growing as a kid and into adulthood. Much like the character Phineas Flynn, Peter’s parents embraced his inventiveness and put up with countless activities that either brought down the power to the house or sent Peter to the urgent care. In addition, Peter had the benefit of being able to travel the world and experience a different perspective on life.  As such he always has a unique vision that sets himself apart from the rest. There isn’t a single thought that doesn’t come with a story. For more please visit the about page. 

Have a UXUI Art Vision?

Allow me to give you a unique experience. Acrylic, Oil or Digital.